
Governance & Security

Workers provided inadequate security gear or equipment given hazardous work context



Everyone has the right to enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work, including a safe and secure working environment. The International Labour Organization indicates that over 2.7 million people die from unsafe work conditions and exposures each year. Health risks encompass, among others, disease, tumours, disability, reproductive health risks or death. Women and men may be exposed to reproductive health risks from exposure to toxic substances.



It is essential that employers comply with national requirements for occupational health and safety and provide adequate safety equipment to protect against the risks to workers’ health caused by certain products or processes, including the risk of disease, tumours, disability, reproductive health issues or death. Businesses need to undertake a risk assessment to identify the particular risks associated with their operations, and implement strategies to mitigate those risks, including through the provision of protective clothing, equipment, face masks and eye protection, and the development of appropriate safety standards and procedures.

Relevant Human Rights Instruments

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 23
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966, Article 7(b)
Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment, 1981 (No. 155)



SDG 8.8

Promoting a safe and secure working environment may lead to the achievement of
SDG 8.8: Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and
those in precarious employment.